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json.h File Reference

JSON parsing and encoding. More...

Data Structures

struct  spdk_json_val
struct  spdk_json_object_decoder


 Invalid JSON syntax.
 JSON was valid up to the end of the current buffer, but did not represent a complete JSON value.
 Decode JSON strings and names in place (modify the input buffer).
 Allow parsing of comments.


typedef int(* spdk_json_decode_fn) (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
typedef int(* spdk_json_write_cb) (void *cb_ctx, const void *data, size_t size)


enum  spdk_json_val_type {


ssize_t spdk_json_parse (void *json, size_t size, struct spdk_json_val *values, size_t num_values, void **end, uint32_t flags)
int spdk_json_decode_object (const struct spdk_json_val *values, const struct spdk_json_object_decoder *decoders, size_t num_decoders, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_object_relaxed (const struct spdk_json_val *values, const struct spdk_json_object_decoder *decoders, size_t num_decoders, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_array (const struct spdk_json_val *values, spdk_json_decode_fn decode_func, void *out, size_t max_size, size_t *out_size, size_t stride)
 Decode a JSON array.
int spdk_json_decode_bool (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_uint8 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_uint16 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_int32 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_uint32 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_uint64 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_string (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
int spdk_json_decode_uuid (const struct spdk_json_val *val, void *out)
void spdk_json_free_object (const struct spdk_json_object_decoder *decoders, size_t num_decoders, void *obj)
size_t spdk_json_val_len (const struct spdk_json_val *val)
 Get length of a value in number of values.
bool spdk_json_strequal (const struct spdk_json_val *val, const char *str)
 Compare JSON string with null terminated C string.
char * spdk_json_strdup (const struct spdk_json_val *val)
 Equivalent of strdup() for JSON string values.
int spdk_json_number_to_uint8 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, uint8_t *num)
int spdk_json_number_to_uint16 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, uint16_t *num)
int spdk_json_number_to_int32 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, int32_t *num)
int spdk_json_number_to_uint32 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, uint32_t *num)
int spdk_json_number_to_uint64 (const struct spdk_json_val *val, uint64_t *num)
struct spdk_json_write_ctx * spdk_json_write_begin (spdk_json_write_cb write_cb, void *cb_ctx, uint32_t flags)
int spdk_json_write_end (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w)
int spdk_json_write_null (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w)
int spdk_json_write_bool (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, bool val)
int spdk_json_write_uint8 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, uint8_t val)
int spdk_json_write_uint16 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, uint16_t val)
int spdk_json_write_int32 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, int32_t val)
int spdk_json_write_uint32 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, uint32_t val)
int spdk_json_write_int64 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, int64_t val)
int spdk_json_write_uint64 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, uint64_t val)
int spdk_json_write_uint128 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, uint64_t low_val, uint64_t high_val)
int spdk_json_write_double (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, double val)
int spdk_json_write_string (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *val)
int spdk_json_write_string_raw (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *val, size_t len)
int spdk_json_write_bytearray (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const void *val, size_t len)
int spdk_json_write_uuid (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const struct spdk_uuid *uuid)
int spdk_json_write_string_utf16le (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const uint16_t *val)
 Write null-terminated UTF-16LE string.
int spdk_json_write_string_utf16le_raw (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const uint16_t *val, size_t len)
 Write UTF-16LE string.
int spdk_json_write_string_fmt (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *fmt,...)
int spdk_json_write_string_fmt_v (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *fmt, va_list args)
int spdk_json_write_array_begin (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w)
int spdk_json_write_array_end (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w)
int spdk_json_write_object_begin (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w)
int spdk_json_write_object_end (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w)
int spdk_json_write_name (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name)
int spdk_json_write_name_raw (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, size_t len)
int spdk_json_write_val (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const struct spdk_json_val *val)
int spdk_json_write_val_raw (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const void *data, size_t len)
int spdk_json_write_named_null (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name)
int spdk_json_write_named_bool (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, bool val)
int spdk_json_write_named_uint8 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, uint8_t val)
int spdk_json_write_named_uint16 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, uint16_t val)
int spdk_json_write_named_int32 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, int32_t val)
int spdk_json_write_named_uint32 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, uint32_t val)
int spdk_json_write_named_int64 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, int64_t val)
int spdk_json_write_named_uint64 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, uint64_t val)
int spdk_json_write_named_uint128 (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, uint64_t low_val, uint64_t high_val)
int spdk_json_write_named_double (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, double val)
int spdk_json_write_named_string (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, const char *val)
int spdk_json_write_named_string_fmt (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, const char *fmt,...)
int spdk_json_write_named_string_fmt_v (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, const char *fmt, va_list args)
int spdk_json_write_named_bytearray (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, const void *val, size_t len)
int spdk_json_write_named_uuid (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name, const struct spdk_uuid *uuid)
int spdk_json_write_named_array_begin (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name)
int spdk_json_write_named_object_begin (struct spdk_json_write_ctx *w, const char *name)
int spdk_json_find (struct spdk_json_val *object, const char *key_name, struct spdk_json_val **key, struct spdk_json_val **val, enum spdk_json_val_type type)
 Return JSON value associated with key key_name.
int spdk_json_find_string (struct spdk_json_val *object, const char *key_name, struct spdk_json_val **key, struct spdk_json_val **val)
 The same as calling spdk_json_find() function with type set to SPDK_JSON_VAL_STRING.
int spdk_json_find_array (struct spdk_json_val *object, const char *key_name, struct spdk_json_val **key, struct spdk_json_val **value)
 The same as calling spdk_json_key() function with type set to SPDK_JSON_VAL_ARRAY_BEGIN.
struct spdk_json_valspdk_json_object_first (struct spdk_json_val *object)
 Return first JSON value in given JSON object.
struct spdk_json_valspdk_json_array_first (struct spdk_json_val *array_begin)
 Return first JSON value in array.
struct spdk_json_valspdk_json_next (struct spdk_json_val *pos)
 Advance to the next JSON value in JSON object or array.

Detailed Description

JSON parsing and encoding.

Macro Definition Documentation



Allow parsing of comments.

Comments are not allowed by the JSON RFC, so this is not enabled by default.

Function Documentation

◆ spdk_json_array_first()

struct spdk_json_val * spdk_json_array_first ( struct spdk_json_val * array_begin)

Return first JSON value in array.

array_beginpointer to JSON array begin
Pointer to first JSON value or NULL if array is empty or is not an JSON array.

◆ spdk_json_decode_array()

int spdk_json_decode_array ( const struct spdk_json_val * values,
spdk_json_decode_fn decode_func,
void * out,
size_t max_size,
size_t * out_size,
size_t stride )

Decode a JSON array.

valuesList of values to decode.
decode_funcFunction to use to decode each individual value.
outBuffer to store decoded value(s). If stride != 0, this buffer is advanced stride bytes for each decoded value.
out_sizeNumber of decoded values.
max_sizeMaximum number of array elements to decode.
strideNumber of bytes to advance out.
0 on success, -1 on failure.

◆ spdk_json_find()

int spdk_json_find ( struct spdk_json_val * object,
const char * key_name,
struct spdk_json_val ** key,
struct spdk_json_val ** val,
enum spdk_json_val_type type )

Return JSON value associated with key key_name.

Subobjects won't be searched.

objectJSON object to be examined
key_namename of the key
keyoptional, will be set with found key
valoptional, will be set with value of the key
typesearch for specific value type. Pass SPDK_JSON_VAL_ANY to match any type.
0 if found or negative error code: -EINVAL - json object is invalid -ENOENT - key not found -EDOM - key exists but value type mismatch. -EPROTOTYPE - json not enclosed in {}.

◆ spdk_json_find_array()

int spdk_json_find_array ( struct spdk_json_val * object,
const char * key_name,
struct spdk_json_val ** key,
struct spdk_json_val ** value )

The same as calling spdk_json_key() function with type set to SPDK_JSON_VAL_ARRAY_BEGIN.

objectJSON object to be examined
key_namename of the key
keyoptional, will be set with found key
valueoptional, will be set with key value
See spdk_json_find

◆ spdk_json_find_string()

int spdk_json_find_string ( struct spdk_json_val * object,
const char * key_name,
struct spdk_json_val ** key,
struct spdk_json_val ** val )

The same as calling spdk_json_find() function with type set to SPDK_JSON_VAL_STRING.

objectJSON object to be examined
key_namename of the key
keyoptional, will be set with found key
valoptional, will be set with value of the key
See spdk_json_find

◆ spdk_json_next()

struct spdk_json_val * spdk_json_next ( struct spdk_json_val * pos)

Advance to the next JSON value in JSON object or array.

if pos is not JSON key or JSON array element behaviour is undefined.
pospointer to JSON key if iterating over JSON object or array element
next JSON value or NULL if there is no more objects or array elements

◆ spdk_json_object_first()

struct spdk_json_val * spdk_json_object_first ( struct spdk_json_val * object)

Return first JSON value in given JSON object.

objectpointer to JSON object begin
Pointer to first object or NULL if object is empty or is not an JSON object

◆ spdk_json_strdup()

char * spdk_json_strdup ( const struct spdk_json_val * val)

Equivalent of strdup() for JSON string values.

If val is not representable as a C string (contains embedded '\0' characters), returns NULL.

Caller is responsible for passing the result to free() when it is no longer needed.

◆ spdk_json_strequal()

bool spdk_json_strequal ( const struct spdk_json_val * val,
const char * str )

Compare JSON string with null terminated C string.

true if strings are equal or false if not

◆ spdk_json_val_len()

size_t spdk_json_val_len ( const struct spdk_json_val * val)

Get length of a value in number of values.

This can be used to skip over a value while interpreting parse results.

For SPDK_JSON_VAL_ARRAY_BEGIN and SPDK_JSON_VAL_OBJECT_BEGIN, this returns the number of values contained within this value, plus the _BEGIN and _END values.

For all other values, this returns 1.

◆ spdk_json_write_string_utf16le()

int spdk_json_write_string_utf16le ( struct spdk_json_write_ctx * w,
const uint16_t * val )

Write null-terminated UTF-16LE string.

wJSON write context.
valUTF-16LE string; must be null terminated.
0 on success or negative on failure.

◆ spdk_json_write_string_utf16le_raw()

int spdk_json_write_string_utf16le_raw ( struct spdk_json_write_ctx * w,
const uint16_t * val,
size_t len )

Write UTF-16LE string.

wJSON write context.
valUTF-16LE string; may contain embedded null characters.
lenLength of val in 16-bit code units (i.e. size of string in bytes divided by 2).
0 on success or negative on failure.