00:16:41.644 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:16:41.644 00:16:41.644 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/sma/vfiouser_qemu.sh:90 -> vm_check_subsys_nqn(["0"],["nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:vfiouser-0"]) 00:16:41.644 ... 00:16:41.644 85 fi 00:16:41.644 86 } 00:16:41.644 87 00:16:41.644 88 function vm_check_subsys_nqn() { 00:16:41.644 89 sleep 1 00:16:41.644 => 90 nqn=$(vm_exec $1 "grep -l $2 /sys/class/nvme/*/subsysnqn") 00:16:41.644 91 if [[ -z "$nqn" ]]; then 00:16:41.644 92 error "FAILED no NVMe on vm=$1 with nqn=$2" 00:16:41.644 93 return 1 00:16:41.644 94 fi 00:16:41.644 95 } 00:16:41.644 ... 00:16:41.644 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/sma/vfiouser_qemu.sh:174 -> main([]) 00:16:41.644 ... 00:16:41.644 169 [[ $(vm_exec ${vm_no} nvme list-subsys -o json | jq -r '.Subsystems | length') -eq 0 ]] 00:16:41.644 170 00:16:41.645 171 # Create a couple of devices and verify them via RPC and SSH 00:16:41.645 172 device0=$(create_device 0 0 | jq -r '.handle') 00:16:41.645 173 rpc_cmd nvmf_get_subsystems nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:vfiouser-0 00:16:41.645 => 174 vm_check_subsys_nqn $vm_no nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:vfiouser-0 00:16:41.645 175 00:16:41.645 176 # Check that there are two subsystems (1 created above + discovery) 00:16:41.645 177 [[ $(rpc_cmd nvmf_get_subsystems | jq -r '. | length') -eq 2 ]] 00:16:41.645 178 00:16:41.645 179 device1=$(create_device 1 0 | jq -r '.handle') 00:16:41.645 ... 00:16:41.645 00:16:41.645 ========== Backtrace end ========== 00:16:44.176 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:16:44.176 00:16:44.176 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/common/autotest_common.sh:1111 -> run_test(["sma_vfiouser_qemu"],["/var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/sma/vfiouser_qemu.sh"]) 00:16:44.176 ... 00:16:44.176 1106 timing_enter $test_name 00:16:44.176 1107 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1108 echo "START TEST $test_name" 00:16:44.176 1109 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1110 xtrace_restore 00:16:44.176 1111 time "$@" 00:16:44.176 1112 xtrace_disable 00:16:44.176 1113 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1114 echo "END TEST $test_name" 00:16:44.176 1115 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1116 timing_exit $test_name 00:16:44.176 ... 00:16:44.176 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/sma/sma.sh:12 -> main([]) 00:16:44.176 ... 00:16:44.176 7 rootdir=$(readlink -f "$testdir/../..") 00:16:44.176 8 00:16:44.176 9 source "$rootdir/test/common/autotest_common.sh" 00:16:44.176 10 00:16:44.176 11 run_test "sma_nvmf_tcp" $testdir/nvmf_tcp.sh 00:16:44.176 => 12 run_test "sma_vfiouser_qemu" $testdir/vfiouser_qemu.sh 00:16:44.176 13 run_test "sma_plugins" $testdir/plugins.sh 00:16:44.176 14 run_test "sma_discovery" $testdir/discovery.sh 00:16:44.176 15 run_test "sma_vhost" $testdir/vhost_blk.sh 00:16:44.176 16 run_test "sma_crypto" $testdir/crypto.sh 00:16:44.176 17 run_test "sma_qos" $testdir/qos.sh 00:16:44.176 ... 00:16:44.176 00:16:44.176 ========== Backtrace end ========== 00:16:44.176 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:16:44.176 00:16:44.176 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/common/autotest_common.sh:1111 -> run_test(["sma"],["/var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/test/sma/sma.sh"]) 00:16:44.176 ... 00:16:44.176 1106 timing_enter $test_name 00:16:44.176 1107 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1108 echo "START TEST $test_name" 00:16:44.176 1109 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1110 xtrace_restore 00:16:44.176 1111 time "$@" 00:16:44.176 1112 xtrace_disable 00:16:44.176 1113 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.176 1114 echo "END TEST $test_name" 00:16:44.177 1115 echo "************************************" 00:16:44.177 1116 timing_exit $test_name 00:16:44.177 ... 00:16:44.177 in /var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/spdk/autotest.sh:366 -> main(["/var/jenkins/workspace/vfio-user-phy-autotest/autorun-spdk.conf"]) 00:16:44.177 ... 00:16:44.177 361 if [[ $SPDK_TEST_SCHEDULER -eq 1 ]]; then 00:16:44.177 362 run_test "scheduler" $rootdir/test/scheduler/scheduler.sh 00:16:44.177 363 fi 00:16:44.177 364 00:16:44.177 365 if [[ $SPDK_TEST_SMA -eq 1 ]]; then 00:16:44.177 => 366 run_test "sma" $rootdir/test/sma/sma.sh 00:16:44.177 367 fi 00:16:44.177 368 00:16:44.177 369 if [[ $SPDK_TEST_FUZZER -eq 1 ]]; then 00:16:44.177 370 run_test "llvm_fuzz" $rootdir/test/fuzz/llvm.sh 00:16:44.177 371 fi 00:16:44.177 ... 00:16:44.177 00:16:44.177 ========== Backtrace end ==========