00:18:29.254 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:18:29.254 00:18:29.254 in /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/test/common/autotest_common.sh:960 -> killprocess(["112695"]) 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 955 kill $1 00:18:29.254 956 fi 00:18:29.254 957 00:18:29.254 958 # wait for the process regardless if its the dummy sudo one 00:18:29.254 959 # or the actual app - it should terminate anyway 00:18:29.254 => 960 wait $1 00:18:29.254 961 else 00:18:29.254 962 # the process is not there anymore 00:18:29.254 963 echo "Process with pid $1 is not found" 00:18:29.254 964 fi 00:18:29.254 965 } 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 in /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/test/event/event.sh:39 -> app_repeat_test([]) 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 34 $rootdir/scripts/rpc.py -s $rpc_server spdk_kill_instance SIGTERM 00:18:29.254 35 sleep 3 00:18:29.254 36 done 00:18:29.254 37 00:18:29.254 38 waitforlisten $repeat_pid $rpc_server 00:18:29.254 => 39 killprocess $repeat_pid 00:18:29.254 40 trap - SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT 00:18:29.254 41 00:18:29.254 42 return 0 00:18:29.254 43 } 00:18:29.254 44 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 in /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/test/common/autotest_common.sh:1111 -> run_test(["app_repeat"],["app_repeat_test"]) 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 1106 timing_enter $test_name 00:18:29.254 1107 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1108 echo "START TEST $test_name" 00:18:29.254 1109 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1110 xtrace_restore 00:18:29.254 1111 time "$@" 00:18:29.254 1112 xtrace_disable 00:18:29.254 1113 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1114 echo "END TEST $test_name" 00:18:29.254 1115 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1116 timing_exit $test_name 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 Process with pid 112695 is not found 00:18:29.254 in /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/test/event/event.sh:52 -> main([]) 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 47 run_test "event_reactor_perf" $testdir/reactor_perf/reactor_perf -t 1 00:18:29.254 48 00:18:29.254 49 if [ $(uname -s) = Linux ]; then 00:18:29.254 50 run_test "event_scheduler" $testdir/scheduler/scheduler.sh 00:18:29.254 51 if modprobe -n nbd; then 00:18:29.254 => 52 run_test "app_repeat" app_repeat_test 00:18:29.254 53 fi 00:18:29.254 54 if ((SPDK_TEST_CRYPTO == 0)); then 00:18:29.254 55 run_test "cpu_locks" "$testdir/cpu_locks.sh" 00:18:29.254 56 fi 00:18:29.254 57 fi 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 00:18:29.254 ========== Backtrace end ========== 00:18:29.254 ========== Backtrace start: ========== 00:18:29.254 00:18:29.254 in /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/test/common/autotest_common.sh:1111 -> run_test(["event"],["/home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/test/event/event.sh"]) 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 1106 timing_enter $test_name 00:18:29.254 1107 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1108 echo "START TEST $test_name" 00:18:29.254 1109 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1110 xtrace_restore 00:18:29.254 1111 time "$@" 00:18:29.254 1112 xtrace_disable 00:18:29.254 1113 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1114 echo "END TEST $test_name" 00:18:29.254 1115 echo "************************************" 00:18:29.254 1116 timing_exit $test_name 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 in /home/vagrant/spdk_repo/spdk/autotest.sh:177 -> main(["/home/vagrant/spdk_repo/autorun-spdk.conf"]) 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 172 if [[ $SPDK_JSONRPC_GO_CLIENT -eq 0 ]]; then 00:18:29.254 173 run_test "spdkcli_tcp" $rootdir/test/spdkcli/tcp.sh 00:18:29.254 174 fi 00:18:29.254 175 00:18:29.254 176 run_test "dpdk_mem_utility" $rootdir/test/dpdk_memory_utility/test_dpdk_mem_info.sh 00:18:29.254 => 177 run_test "event" $rootdir/test/event/event.sh 00:18:29.254 178 run_test "thread" $rootdir/test/thread/thread.sh 00:18:29.254 179 run_test "accel" $rootdir/test/accel/accel.sh 00:18:29.254 180 run_test "accel_rpc" $rootdir/test/accel/accel_rpc.sh 00:18:29.254 181 run_test "app_cmdline" $rootdir/test/app/cmdline.sh 00:18:29.254 182 run_test "version" $rootdir/test/app/version.sh 00:18:29.254 ... 00:18:29.254 00:18:29.254 ========== Backtrace end ==========